Tuesday, November 30, 2010


First of all, Welcome to the newly  revamped Graffiti Talk Blog, Where free expression is everything..

Where Do I Start?

I overheard a conversation today, and from what i got out of the conversation i started to wonder if this was true? Do you think that women today dress for other women's approval? This isnt the first time i've come across this topic, this was mentioned by a facebook friend as well. I came home and thought about it, and you know what? I think it's kind of true. Now let me explain, indeed, i am a woman of  individuality, everything i do and say has originality about it. From my style of dress, my hair, my atmosphere, all for me.
But what i see now a days is the approval most women need inorder to have a productive day. For example, i know you have seen this before, a woman goes into a department store, she sees a nice shirt maybe skirt or pants, the woman next to her is eye balling the same thing. So what does the first woman do? She makes sure it is known to the second woman that she is buying that fit, and that she looks better in it, and she even goes as far as breaking her bank account to get the shoes, accessories, purse and everything else, just so that second woman can give her the "look of approval". Does that mean that there is some sort of  low self -esteem issue going? Or could it be that someone elses opion means more than their own? I'm not sure what it is but lets explore these options anyway.

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I can honestly say that  women love fashion, and we like to look good no matter what we do. but there are those of us who like to show up one another. Most woman dress to be comfortable, some dress for success, and many women dress for their spouse/significant other. So when did women start dressing for other women?  Do you really need another woman to tell you how good you look? or that your hair is pretty? or even that the shades and purse you have is all that? Well the individuals having this conversation say that  womenn know what looks good, and most womenn know fashion. Some of the other individuals stated that
they like to make other women jealous.Wow! is all i have to say to that one. I personally don't have the time to make another woman jealous, I will even accept complements but i will not dress to hear someone give me a compliment. I don't think it's all that serious, but that's my opinion.

                                                                             Self Esteem

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Now comes the sensitive portion of this post "SELF ESTEEM". Well what does self-esteem have to do with any of this? Here is the answer. Most woman do indeed have self esteem issues and getting the approval of another woman, or the in crowed, the fashion guru, the clique that pays them no attention or who ever else plays a huge part on how they live their daily life. Lets face it all women don't fit into today's society. Even more than before people want to fit into that "IN CROWD". maybe that's why so many women find comfort in plastic surgery, and other procedures that take away from their natural beauty.  Maybe the media has a lot to do with that. You know how it is, only size 1's can model, long hair is the new natural, soft skin with no blemishes, and so forth. That's enough to make any woman with self esteem issues yearn and beg for acceptance and approval from other women. If that's the case remember that you are beautiful inside and out and there is a diva inside of everyone.

On that note, I would like to thank everyone for reading my blog, and remember to tune into my ustream show GRAFFITI TALK, and follow me on twitter: Have a blessed night and remember "HERE AT GRAFFITI TALK OPEN EXPRESSION IS EVERYTHING"
                                                                 Live, Laugh, & Love Y'all